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How to Defend Against DUI Charges Involving Prescription Drugs in California

Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are not limited to alcohol or illegal substances; they can also involve prescription drugs. In California, a DUI involving prescription medication can carry severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, and even jail time. Defending against such charges requires a nuanced understanding of the law, medical implications, and effective legal strategies. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to defend against DUI charges involving prescription drugs in California.

Understanding the Law

California Vehicle Code Section 23152(f) makes it illegal to drive under the influence of any drug, including prescription medication, that impairs one’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. Unlike alcohol, there is no legal limit for prescription drugs, making it more subjective to determine impairment. The prosecution must prove that the driver was impaired to the extent that they could not operate the vehicle with the caution of a sober person using ordinary care under similar circumstances.

Common Prescription Drugs Involved

Several prescription medications can impair driving ability, leading to DUI charges. These include:

  • Opioids: Such as oxycodone or hydrocodone, prescribed for pain relief.
  • Benzodiazepines: Such as Valium or Xanax, prescribed for anxiety or insomnia.
  • Stimulants: Such as Adderall or Ritalin, prescribed for ADHD.
  • Antidepressants: Which can have sedative effects.
Key Defense Strategies 1. Questioning the Validity of the Traffic Stop

One of the first lines of defense is to challenge the legality of the traffic stop. The police must have a reasonable suspicion that the driver was violating a traffic law or engaging in criminal activity to make a stop. If it can be proven that the stop was unlawful, any evidence obtained thereafter may be inadmissible in court.

2. Contesting the Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs)

Field Sobriety Tests are subjective and can be influenced by various factors unrelated to impairment, such as medical conditions, fatigue, or nervousness. An effective defense can argue that the results of the FSTs are unreliable and should not be used as evidence of impairment.

3. Challenging the Blood Test Results

Blood tests are commonly used to detect the presence of prescription drugs in the system. However, these tests do not measure the level of impairment. An experienced attorney can challenge the accuracy and handling of the blood test, questioning whether proper protocols were followed in collecting, storing, and analyzing the sample.

4. Examining the Prescription and Dosage

It is crucial to establish that the driver was taking the medication as prescribed by a licensed physician. If the driver was adhering to their prescription and dosage instructions, it may help demonstrate that they were not impaired. Additionally, some medications take time to build up to an effective level and may not impair the driver immediately after ingestion.

5. Medical Expert Testimony

A medical expert can provide valuable testimony regarding the effects of the prescribed medication on the individual. They can explain how the medication works, its typical side effects, and whether it is likely to impair one’s ability to drive. This testimony can help create reasonable doubt about the prosecution’s claims of impairment.

6. Highlighting Lack of Impairment Evidence

The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the driver was impaired. The defense can highlight any lack of evidence showing impairment, such as the absence of erratic driving behavior or physical signs of impairment. Testimonies from witnesses who observed the driver before or during the traffic stop can also support the argument that the driver was not impaired.

7. Investigating Police Procedures

Law enforcement officers must follow specific procedures when handling DUI cases. Any deviation from these procedures can weaken the prosecution’s case. The defense can scrutinize the officers’ actions, looking for procedural errors, inconsistencies in reports, or failure to read Miranda rights, which could lead to the dismissal of charges.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Defending against DUI charges involving prescription drugs is complex and requires specialized knowledge of both the legal and medical aspects of the case. It is crucial to seek the representation of an experienced DUI defense attorney who can navigate these complexities and build a strong defense. An attorney can negotiate with prosecutors, file necessary motions, and represent the defendant in court, striving for the best possible outcome.


Facing DUI charges involving prescription drugs in California can be daunting, but it is possible to mount a robust defense with the right strategies and legal representation. By understanding the law, challenging the evidence, and leveraging medical expertise, defendants can effectively fight the charges and protect their rights.

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The Johnson Law Group handled a very important and delicate matter with professionalism and a caring manner. Attorneys were knowledgeable, in communications, and provided a top notch service to my need. I highly recommend the Johnson Law Group for your important legal issues. Hardy Jr.
Lauren Johnson-Norris was amazing. She explained everything in ways that were easily understood, & answered all of my question. She was respectful, but also open & honest. She started work on my case the first day we met & got results quickly. She demonstrated passion, concern, and showed true feeling for my situation. My expectations were greatly exceeded. I would say she has an incredible attention for detail, & has a real dedication to her work. Lauren Johnson-Norris would be my first recommendation to any of my family or friends similarly in need of legal assistance. Heather
I researched a lot of attorneys and had met with two attorneys before speaking with Ms. Johnson-Norris and retaining her. I was facing serious charges that could not be on my record, due to my job and was really scared. I felt hopeless & thought my life was ruined...until I found Ms. Johnson-Norris… A criminal defense client (drug case)
She is on point. She knows her field well. I have to give credit where credit is due, you deserve it Lauren Johnson-Norris… Anonymous, Victim of Domestic Violence
Lauren Johnson-Norris was my saving grace. I naively thought you were innocent until proven guilty. However, I soon discovered that CPS and family court does not see things that way… Mrs. G, a CPS client