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Challenging Breathalyzer Calibration and Maintenance Records in California

In California DUI (Driving Under the Influence) cases, breathalyzer tests are a primary tool used by law enforcement to measure a driver’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). However, the accuracy of these devices depends heavily on proper calibration and maintenance. If a breathalyzer is not correctly calibrated or maintained, its readings can be inaccurate, potentially leading to unjust DUI charges. Challenging breathalyzer calibration and maintenance records can be a crucial defense strategy. This article explores how breathalyzers work, the importance of calibration and maintenance, and how to challenge these aspects in court.

How Breathalyzers Work

Breathalyzers measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s breath to estimate their BAC. When a person blows into the device, the breathalyzer analyzes the breath sample and calculates the concentration of alcohol. The device then converts this concentration into an estimated BAC, which is used to determine if the driver is over the legal limit of 0.08% in California.

Importance of Calibration and Maintenance

Breathalyzers are complex instruments that require regular calibration and maintenance to ensure their accuracy. Calibration involves adjusting the device to ensure it provides accurate readings, while maintenance includes routine checks and repairs. Proper calibration and maintenance are critical for the following reasons:

  1. Accuracy: Regular calibration ensures that the breathalyzer provides precise BAC readings, which are crucial for determining whether a driver is legally intoxicated.
  2. Reliability: Routine maintenance helps identify and fix any issues that might affect the device’s performance, ensuring that it functions correctly.
  3. Legal Validity: For breathalyzer results to be admissible in court, the device must be proven to be accurate and reliable. Proper calibration and maintenance records are essential for establishing this validity.
Challenging Calibration and Maintenance Records

Challenging the calibration and maintenance records of a breathalyzer can be a powerful defense strategy in DUI cases. Here’s how it can be done:

  1. Requesting Records: Your attorney can request the calibration and maintenance records of the breathalyzer used in your case. These records should include dates of calibration, maintenance logs, and details of any repairs or adjustments made to the device.
  2. Examining Calibration Procedures: Review the records to ensure that the breathalyzer was calibrated according to the manufacturer’s specifications and at the required intervals. Any deviations from the standard procedures can cast doubt on the accuracy of the device.
  3. Identifying Maintenance Issues: Look for any indications of maintenance problems, such as repeated repairs or issues that were not addressed promptly. A history of maintenance problems can suggest that the breathalyzer was not functioning correctly when it was used to test your BAC.
  4. Expert Testimony: An expert witness in breathalyzer technology can analyze the records and provide testimony on the potential impact of calibration and maintenance issues on the device’s accuracy. This testimony can be crucial in demonstrating to the court that the breathalyzer results are unreliable.
  5. Cross-Examining the Officer: Your attorney can cross-examine the officer who administered the breathalyzer test, questioning them about their training, the procedures followed, and any potential issues with the device. Inconsistencies or lack of knowledge can further undermine the reliability of the test results.
Case Examples and Precedents

Several cases in California have set precedents for challenging breathalyzer calibration and maintenance records. For instance, in People v. Williams (1992), the court emphasized the importance of proper calibration and maintenance in ensuring the accuracy of breathalyzer results. The court ruled that breathalyzer results could be excluded if the device was not properly calibrated and maintained, highlighting the significance of these records in DUI cases.

Legal Implications

Successfully challenging the calibration and maintenance records can lead to the exclusion of breathalyzer results from evidence. Without this crucial evidence, the prosecution’s case may be significantly weakened, potentially resulting in a dismissal or reduction of charges. Even if the breathalyzer results are not entirely excluded, demonstrating inaccuracies can create reasonable doubt, which is sufficient for an acquittal in a criminal case.


Challenging breathalyzer calibration and maintenance records is a vital defense strategy in California DUI cases. The accuracy and reliability of breathalyzer results depend heavily on proper calibration and maintenance, and any issues in these areas can render the results unreliable. By scrutinizing these records, consulting with experts, and effectively cross-examining law enforcement officers, you can challenge the validity of breathalyzer evidence and strengthen your defense. If you are facing DUI charges, it is crucial to work with an experienced DUI attorney who understands the complexities of breathalyzer technology and can navigate the legal challenges to protect your rights.

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