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Understanding Traffic Violations and Fines in California

Traffic violations in California range from minor infractions to serious offenses, each carrying its own set of penalties and fines. Understanding the various types of violations and the associated consequences can help drivers navigate the state’s complex traffic laws and avoid costly penalties. Here’s an in-depth look at common traffic violations and fines in California.

Types of Traffic Violations

Traffic violations in California are generally categorized into three types: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies.


Infractions are the most common type of traffic violation and usually result in a fine rather than jail time. Examples include:

  • Speeding: Exceeding the posted speed limit.
  • Running a Red Light or Stop Sign: Failing to stop at a red light or stop sign.
  • Illegal U-Turns: Making a U-turn in a prohibited area.
  • Failure to Signal: Not using turn signals when changing lanes or turning.
  • Parking Violations: Parking in a no-parking zone or in a handicapped space without a permit.

Misdemeanor traffic violations are more serious and can result in higher fines, points on your driving record, and possible jail time. Examples include:

  • Reckless Driving: Operating a vehicle with willful disregard for the safety of persons or property.
  • Driving Without a License: Operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license.
  • DUI (Driving Under the Influence): Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Hit and Run: Leaving the scene of an accident without providing contact information or assisting injured parties.

Felony traffic violations are the most severe and can result in significant fines, long-term imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record. Examples include:

  • Vehicular Manslaughter: Causing the death of another person through negligent or reckless driving.
  • Felony DUI: A DUI offense that results in injury or death, or a fourth DUI offense within ten years.
  • Evading a Police Officer: Fleeing from law enforcement in a vehicle.
Common Traffic Violations and Fines

California has specific fines associated with various traffic violations. Here are some common infractions and their typical fines:

  • 1-15 mph over the limit: Base fine of $35, with total costs including fees and assessments typically around $238.
  • 16-25 mph over the limit: Base fine of $70, with total costs around $367.
  • 26+ mph over the limit: Base fine of $100, with total costs around $490.
Running a Red Light
  • Base Fine: $100
  • Total Costs: Typically around $490, including fees and assessments.
Illegal U-Turn
  • Base Fine: $35
  • Total Costs: Typically around $238, including fees and assessments.
Failure to Signal
  • Base Fine: $35
  • Total Costs: Typically around $238, including fees and assessments.
Parking Violations
  • General Parking Violation: Fines can range from $25 to $100, depending on the specific violation and location.
  • Handicapped Parking Violation: Fines can range from $250 to $1,000.
Points on Your Driving Record

In addition to fines, traffic violations can result in points on your driving record. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) uses a point system to track driving offenses. Accumulating too many points can lead to increased insurance premiums, probation, or suspension of your driver’s license.

Point Values for Common Violations
  • Speeding: 1 point
  • Running a Red Light: 1 point
  • Reckless Driving: 2 points
  • DUI: 2 points
  • Hit and Run: 2 points
Reducing or Contesting Traffic Fines

If you receive a traffic ticket, you have options to reduce or contest the fines:

Traffic School

For minor infractions, attending traffic school can help reduce points on your driving record and prevent insurance rate increases. You must meet certain eligibility criteria, and upon completion, the violation will not appear on your public driving record.

Contesting the Ticket

You have the right to contest a traffic ticket in court. If you believe the ticket was issued in error or there are extenuating circumstances, you can plead not guilty and present your case before a judge. Hiring an attorney who specializes in traffic violations can increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Long-Term Consequences of Traffic Violations

Traffic violations can have long-term consequences beyond immediate fines and points. Repeated violations can lead to increased insurance premiums, difficulty obtaining certain types of employment, and even the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.


Understanding traffic violations and fines in California is crucial for maintaining a clean driving record and avoiding costly penalties. By familiarizing yourself with the types of violations and their associated consequences, you can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions if you receive a traffic ticket. Remember, safe and responsible driving not only helps you avoid fines but also contributes to safer roads for everyone.

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