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Theft is a broad legal term that covers a lot of different scenarios. It is important to get a theft crimes attorney in Los Angeles County if you wish to be defended properly. Johnson Criminal Law Group is ready to help, no matter the situation that brought you here.
What Is TheftThe best theft crimes attorney in Los Angeles County can help defend you no matter the circumstances that brought theft charges upon you. We all know the broad definition of theft; it is to take something that doesn’t belong to you without express permission from the owner. However, there are several types of theft, and the type of theft you are accused of could lead to different consequences. For example, petty theft is when the stolen property is valued at $950 or less and is usually charged as a misdemeanor. However, petty theft could be a felony if there are priors. Other theft crimes include burglary, robbery, embezzlement, grand theft, grand theft auto, and receiving stolen property. Each crime carries its own punishment and those punishments could differ greatly depending on the severity of the crime as well as if there are any priors.
Misdemeanor PunishmentsIt is important to find the best theft crimes attorney in Los Angeles County in order to understand what you could be facing. Many people believe that misdemeanors are easier to deal with, and that might be true. However, everything is relative, especially when you dive into the intricacies of the possible outcomes of a misdemeanor theft charge. Jail time is possible with a misdemeanor theft charge, up to 6 months. However, the real punishments come with fines. You will need to pay court fines, restitution to the victims and law enforcement for investigation fees, as well as counseling, community service, and probation. You will want to remember that not all of these are mandatory, just possibilities. But that is where your representation from Johnson Criminal Law Group will make the difference.
Felony PunishmentsFelonies usually come about in theft charges when the stolen property is valued over $950 or the accused has priors. Felony charges usually will increase all of the punishments from a misdemeanor. For example, instead of 6 months in jail, it could be in prison and for longer. There are also higher court fees, higher restitution fees, and much longer probation periods. You may even end up with parole instead of probation. There are also risks to your future if charged with a felony. Felonies go on public records and could be used against you in the event you are accused of a crime in the future.
Best Theft Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles CountyJohnson Criminal Law Group can help you defend yourself against theft accusations. You will need to contact an attorney as soon as you find out you’re being accused of a crime. Your lawyer will stay with you every step of the way as well. Your lawyer will file the proper motions and interview you as well as those around you to build the best defense possible. No one should represent themselves unless they are fully trained and have studied criminal law for decades. That is what you will find at Johnson Criminal Law Group. The proper representation with the right amount of focus and determination to help you get through this with the best possible outcome.