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Domestic violence cases can include abuse or threats of abuse between persons involved in an intimate relationship. This can apply if you (1) are married or domestic partners (2) were dating or used to date (3) live or have lived together, or (4) have a child together. It can also be relevant when the abused person and the abusive person are closely related by blood or by marriage. Although many think that domestic violence is synonymous with physical abuse from one partner to the other, there are other elements that may be present that could also constitute domestic violence, including emotional and psychological abuse. Physical abuse occurs when there is force used against the victim. Regardless of whether or not the resulting injuries are major or minor, it is still considered domestic violence. Examples of physical abuse may involve hurting the victim with dangerous weapons or objects or hitting the victim. In addition, emotional abuse within relationships also occur. This is when the abuser uses tactics such as humiliation or continuous blame in order to hurt the victim. A few examples are threatening to involve physical violence or consistent insults and criticism. These tactics are meant to negatively impact the victim’s self-worth or self-identity. Both examples of domestic violence, as well as the many others, such as financial and sexual, are extremely serious and could have long lasting negative effects. Often times domestic violence restraining orders may be put in place in order to make sure that there is no more abuse or threats of abuse that may be occurring. It may make sure that the other party is paying the necessary child support, not having or owning any dangerous weaponry, or staying away from the victim, whether that be making sure that they are not physically near them or that they cannot contact them.
Unfortunately, the City of Fullerton and its police department have recently come under scrutiny for unethical arrests, charging people crimes they didn't commit, including domestic violence. You may need to contact a criminal defense attorney to defend your rights, and protect your reputation.
Fullerton domestic violence defense attorney Ms. Johnson-Norris often advises that "abuse," as defined in Family Code 6320, includes molesting, attacking, striking, stalking, threatening, sexually assaulting, battering, harassing and telephoning; which includes, but is not limited to annoying telephone calls. Abuse can also be kicking, shoving, pushing, pulling hair, throwing things, scaring, following or keeping someone from freely coming and going. It can even include physical abuse of the family pets.
If you've been charged or accused of any of these acts, you need to call domestic violence defense attorney Ms. Johnson-Norris (949) 622-5522 at once. The Johnson Criminal Law Group understands that a finding of domestic violence may have an effect on child custody and visitation orders pursuant to Family Code 3044, and can create other legal issues that last for years.
Attorney Johnson also knows that such a conviction for domestic violence can haunt a person for life. Please take a moment to call the office today to get the advocacy you need to protect yourself.